Impact of weather conditions on Cooling tower efficiency

Cooling tower component

Cooling tower component:

Every cooling tower and the component is developed and engineered using a comprehensive system approach to function as an integrated system for effective performance and extended life.

HVAC Free Cooling

With a free cooling system, the tower may directly provide a building’s cooling requirements without having to run the chiller throughout the winter. The objective of a free cooling system is energy conservation. Free cooling systems come in a variety of forms, and there are prerequisites that must be met before one can be taken into consideration.

Variable Flow

If the cooling tower can be run with variable flow during off-peak hours. There may be significant energy savings potential. For whatever flow the process has, variable flow is a means to make the most of the installed tower capacity.


The fill is among the cooling tower’s most crucial elements. The cooling tower’s efficiency is determined by its capacity. It encourages both the maximum contact surface and the maximum contact time between air and water. Splash type fill (which breaks up the water) and film type fill (spreads the water into a thin layer) are the two fundamental fill classes.

Drift eliminators

These cause the air and droplets to make abrupt changes in direction. In addition, they are intended to remove water droplets from the discharged air and reduce loss of process water. As a result, the water droplets are separated from the air and returned to the tower.


The usage of a gravity-flow distribution system with a nozzle is permitted by crossflow configuration. The supply water in this system is elevated to hot water distribution basins above the fill and then flows (by gravity) over the fill through nozzles situated in the distribution basin floor. It is necessary to use a pressure-type system of closed pipe and spray nozzles in counterflow configuration.


Large volumes of air must be moved effectively and with the least amount of vibration using cooling tower fans. In addition to being suitable with their design, the materials used in their manufacture must be able to survive the corrosive effects of the environment in which the fans are expected to function.