RO Chiller

RO Water Chiller manufacturer

The RO Water chiller nothing but a Chilling unit. Basically, It uses a Vapor Compression Refrigeration System to remove heat from water. These are made up of four main components, as follows

  • Evaporator
  • Condenser,
  • Compressor, and
  • Measuring device.

12 degrees Celsius is a degree. Altogether, A chiller’s main job is to reduce the water temperature to a point. It may be used to provide cooling effects when integrated with other HVAC parts.

Our custom RO chillers provide temperature controller options for easy operation, and the chilling and purifying processes are entirely automatic.


A refrigeration device that creates cold water is called a water chiller. For a reasonable price, you can have the water chiller we are offering for  all of your needs.

  1. Your home,
  2. Hospital,
  3. School/College
  4. Business

With a temperature range of 42 to 54°F on the water thermostat, RO water chillers let you have chilled water instantly. We specialize in offering a quality-assured selection of RO Water Chillers for usage in a variety of settings, such as educational institutions, hostels, the healthcare sector, the medical sector, etc.

Key Factors

  1. High-quality stainless steel is used inside and out of our small-sized RO water chillers.
  2. To ensure water purity because it immediately chills water to the ideal temperature while preserving purity.
  3. This chiller system typically comes with a 1-year manufacturer’s guarantee and is simple to install to both RO and filtered water systems.

Most chillers employ refrigerant in a closed loop system to promote heat exchange from water. The optimum place for a RO water cooler purifier is on the kitchen counter or beneath the sink. We manufacture these systems using the greatest raw materials and most recent technologies. As a result of the condensation of steam or gas, water-cooled chillers function. This cycle begins when water from the manufacturing process enters the evaporator and enters the chiller cycle.